Today we surpased the magical hundred mark, to my diappointment we did absolutely nothing to commemorate the ocassion. We would appreciate any suggestions for future milestones?
To give you a brief summary of our day we generally depart the Albeurge between 6.45 and 7.00am walk for around 2 hours then have a break. We usually try to cooridnate this with a town that has amazing Spanish coffee. After any break it is a good 10 minutes for the legs really work again so we usually hobble out of the town and commence another 2 hour stretch which takes us to 11.00am. By this time we could ´eat the ar$e out of a low flying duck´ so we stop again and have a snack, maybe ham or nuts.
Our camelbaks have been immensenly handy and really assist with dehydration. At around 12.00pm we like to stop for lunch in one of the towns which thus far have been beautiful- if we are feeling in the mood we stop for 1 hour however the longer you stop the harder it is to start again. Sahra is a bit like a victa lawn mower after lunch, she really needs priming and it take a few goes to get her started. Still no success with her feet, she almost made it the whole way in her runners today- she is doing a great job- her pack is heavier than a lot of the men doing the camino. I am very proud of her thus far.
By around 2.00pm to 3.00pm each day we have arrived in our new town, our first job is to locate an albergue, get our credencial stamped, then have a nice long relaxing shower before the other pilgrim riff raff arrive. We have started going for a walk after we arrive as it relaxs the muscles and yesterday we went and sat under a wonderful old bridge and had a nice siesta like the loccals.
Lately we have been cooking dinner for ourselves but there are many pilgrim meals around town for roughly 9 euros. They generally include wine and it really is a nice atmosphere catching up with the other pilgrims after a long day. By 9.00pm to 10.00pm we fall into bed ready to do it all over again.
Buen Camino!