Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Farewell Metropolitan

As the time draws closer to our departure another milestone has come and gone. On Saturday we vacated out apartment in the city which was suprisingly difficult. This was my home for over 2 years and our home for over 16 months.

As many of you are aware the apartment was the embodiment of our personalities as the landlord provided us with free range to decorate the place. The location itself suited our lifestyles perfectly and provided us with the option of walking to work which was such a luxury. Not sure what suburb we will end up in when we get back- this one will be very hard to beat and not just because of the memories.

Special shout out to Bone and Lachie for helping
Sahra and I with the move, not sure what we would have done without the assistance. Also a special thanks to Joel and Bron for letting us stay with them until we depart.

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