Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welkom naar Zuid Afrika

Well after 35 hours of travelling including a brief stop in Johannesburg we have finally arrived at Nakuru. The flight from Sydney to Johannesburg was a neat 12 hours and we had the rare experience of entering Antarctic waters flying directly alongside one of Australia's remotest territories, Herd Island. I was able to take some amazing photos of the island which was entirely covered in snow.

Once we arrived in Johannesburg we managed to locate some accommodation near the airport which charged by the hour (Calm done Bone). We went and refreshed, had a quick nap before returning to the airport to catch our flight to Nairobi. We arrived in Nairobi at 5.30am where we were met by our taxi driver Hezron.

The drive from Nairobi to Nakuru took about two and a half hours- the traffic was fairly chaotic for 5.30am- apparently successive governments have promised to address traffic congestion in the city but nothing has been done. The locals hold out faith that the next election in 2012 will bring some resolution to the issue.

On the drive to Nakuru I took in the scenery from the back while lady muck in the front (aka Sahra) played spot the wild animals- her first monkey was spotted in Nairobi city and about 10kms out of the city came her first Zebra. As we passed Lake Naivasha we could also see Flamingo's en mass.

Will let you know about Nakuru and Mission in Action in our next post.


  1. I have a vision of Sahra in her Hard hat, with her white scarf billowing from the vehicle. Aidan make sure you get to have cocktails at sunset like they do in the movies. Ps you paint a wonderful picture, wish we were there.

  2. Unless that room also charges by the four minute intervals I'm not interested. I don't pay for cuddle time.

    Can't believe you guys are so far away. Hope you're loving it, and I'm sure you'll Lord Muck it up a bit too Aidan.

    Miss you both!
