Thursday, May 27, 2010

300, 400, 500 & 600

Well since we last posted a lot of milestones have been met and targets exceeded...... sounds alot like program management jargon right?
The weather has finally cleared, we are back in shorts and shirts and have seen some amazing country. Castilla and Leon was amazing with many beautiful old churches and castles dotting the countryside.
We recently completed three big climbs and decents- the first was at Cruz de Ferre which took us up to 1500m and amongst snow capped mountians- an unusual sight in Spain weeks before Summer. Today we summited O Cerebrio at 1270m followed by a decent to 1000m before another climb which took us to 1300m. Today we set a new record for distance covered in a day- 36km- not bad considering it including 17kms of climbs.
Today represented our entry into Galicia pronounced Galithia which means we have less than 130km to our final destination of Santiago de Compostella- in real terms this is less than 6 days of walking. As this is a holy year- we are looking forward to walking through the door of forgiveness which wipes the slate clean with the big fella upstairs. This only occurs in the holy year so for those of you out there who need forgiveness, start saving for 2021.
The niggling injuries such as blisters and tired muscles that plagued us at the start of the walk are a thing of the past- Sahra has been band aid and plaster free for almost 7 days and Ive taken her off the fibre cookies which caused a few problems along the way. I am almost injury free, have a blister which has cropped up for the second time, which I am paying close attention to. Had some shin splint problems but that has cleared up.
To reward our efforts we have decided to walk for an extra three days to Finisterre which is on the coast and will allow us bragging rights of having walked the entire width of Spain . We have also booked some accomodation in Porto after we finish for some well earned rest and relaxation.
Overall we have experienced some major highs and a few lows in the past 28 days of walking. I have to put my hand up and say I really underestimated the physical and mental challenges of this journey. Thus far we have overcome all the challenges thrown our way, we have learnt a lot about ourselves, as individuals and as a couple, which will serve us well in our life together. Overall it has strengthened our bond and helped us realise just how similar we both are and that we want the same things in life.
All in all a great expereince which we will never forget.
Will try and post some photos celebrating our milestones but until we reach Santiago- Peace

1 comment:

  1. So Glad to see an update- we really look forward to hearing your progress. This entry in particular, has brought tears of love that roll down my cheek. You have done yourselves proud and we only wish that we could be at the door of forgiveness with you. Until then go in peace, stay safe and keep us in your heart.

    with our love Mum and Dad Reganxxxxxx
